Learning Crypto
The best way to understand cryptocurrencies is to buy a small amount of some cryptocurrencies and learn how you can earn money with them (learning by earning).
Learn step by step about this fascinating technology which will bring new value to our economy.
I learned exactly this way and I will share all my experiences (good & bad) here on learning-crypto.net.
If you want to invest into crypto, you need to have an understanding of the fundamentals of crypto coins and crypto tokens. You need to understand what problem a blockchain can solve.
On the “fundamentals” page you can find information about it.
To setup a portfolio you need to first invest some time into researching. Which crypto to buy? Where to buy? How to buy? How much will a transaction cost? Where to store? How to secure? How to manage the portfolio? Etc.
On the “portfolio” page you can find my portfolio and learnings.
Look at the numbers and reports. Use different sources. Create your own view on things. Monitor regularly. Try to understand why crypto moves in this way. Think where the crypto market can go.
On the “statistics” page you can find my favorite tools.
Listen to crypto experts (try to find the right ones). Listen to people who are pro crypto, but also listen to people who are against it. Listen to macroeconomics news as well. You need to have infos from all different kinds of angles to make up your own mind.
On the “media” page you can find my top sources which I consume regularly.
The crypto space today is difficult to understand. It needs to be made more simple in the future. This will come for sure. But for now, you have to deal with a lot of complexity.
On the “FAQ” page I have gathered often asked questions and answers.